Tournament Organizers: Resources & Awards Program
Running your own tournament is a rewarding leadership experience that also fosters competitive speech and debate in British Columbia. If you are interested in running your own tournament but aren’t sure where to start, or need additional support, the DSABC can assist.
The Tournament Organizer Awards are partially funded by McLeese Debate. We appreciate their support of debate in BC.
Tournament Organizer Awards
Recipients of a Tournament Organizer Award will be given:
Up to $100 towards the organization of an online tournament (i.e., costs of tabbing and awards) and up to $250 towards the organization of an in-person tournament (i.e., costs of tabbing, food, and awards)
An honorarium of up to $300/tournament, depending on the size and complexity of the event. Honorariums recognize the work and learning involved in organizing a tournament. They may be split amongst the Organizing Committee or donated to their school’s debate club.
Support on an as-needed basis from board members of the DSABC with experience organizing tournaments (i.e., setting up tabs and registration forms, help with budgeting etc.)
Advertising for their tournament through DSABC channels (website and membership mailing list)
The DSABC will prioritize award recipients who:
Keep the registration costs of their tournament low and/or offer fee waivers
Encourage the participation of novice/new debaters (i.e., organizing a tournament specifically for first-year debaters)
Come from schools or geographic regions with fewer opportunities to compete at tournaments.
How to Apply
Step 1: Submit an application form with the following information
Name and institutional affiliation(s) of tournament organizer(s). Organizers should be members of a DSABC-school.
Contact information of the teacher sponsor or adult sponsor of the institution. This person need not be directly involved in the organization of the tournament but should be aware of and given permission for the event to take place.
Proposed tournament date, location, size, format, and budget.
Checklist of likely supports requested. Please note that logistical and administrative support will be less available during times when the DSABC is organizing major tournaments (i.e., the Law Foundation Cup).
Statement of interest and commitment to running a tournament (in other words, explain to us why you are interested in running a tournament, and what you will do to ensure you have the time and resources necessary to run successfully)
Step 2: Your application will be reviewed by member(s) of the board - further information may be requested depending on the complexity and size of the event.
Step 3: Students and their teacher/adult sponsor will be asked to sign an agreement that outlines the funding they will receive through the program and how it will be used.
Step 4: Students in the program will be asked to regularly update the DSABC on the status of their event via a checklist of key tasks.
Booking space, as applicable
Invitation and registration forms
Marketing and recruitment of judges/volunteers
Ordering of food and/or awards, as applicable
Creation of briefings and other tournament documents, as applicable
Setting up of the tab
Completion of tab training or a meeting with a board member to review the tabs program being used, if necessary
Communication with attendees pre-tournament
Motion selection
Step 5: After the event, students will be asked to submit a post-event report and financial statement.
Upon receipt of these items, students will be reimbursed according to the agreement they signed.
Tournament Resources
We are currently updating our resources! Please be patient with us as we revise this section of the site. If you need something urgently, please contact and we are happy to provide you with the latest draft of the item in question.
Guide to Running a Tournament: TBA
Moderation Resources
Instructions, room set-up, and cross-examination and CNDF scripts: here [for use with volunteer moderators].
Cross-examination and CNDF scripts: here [for use with judges who have no volunteer moderator]
BP scripts: here [for use by the chair of the round, or can be adapted for use by volunteer moderators]
Cross-Examination and CNDF: here [written for an in-person tournament]
BP: here [written for an online tournament]
Judging Ballots
Tabulation Services:
For larger events, the DSABC uses and recommends the use of Tabbycat, hosted through Calico.
For smaller events and speech tournaments, a spreadsheet is a good option, provided you have experience using Excel/Google Sheets.