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Governance and Administration

DSABC Documents


The following documents and policies pertain to the governance and administrative mandate of the Debate and Speech Association of British Columbia. If you have any questions about the contents of these documents, please contact the DSABC President.









DSABC Rules & Policies :​







DSABC Election Policy


The DSABC Executive Board (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) is elected each year at the DSABC Annual General Meeting in late-November. The term for all DSABC positions is 2 years - there are no term limits.

Members who are interested in standing as representatives for these positions are invited to put their names forward when these elections are announced. Nominations open no less than 6 weeks prior to the election. The board shall strive to have no more than two executive positions up for election in any given year.

Recently, the DSABC has also adopted a clearer election process for Regional Coordinators:

  • The nomination process will be made available to regional members in the Regional Qualifier invitation.

  • Lower Mainland North/West and Central/Southern Interior regional coordinator terms will expire on odd-ending years.
  • Lower Mainland East/South, Kootenays, and Vancouver Island regional coordinator terms will expire in even-ending years.​

  • Regional coordinators will be elected by an online poll of the membership from the respective region, to be initiated by the DSABC Executive. Winners will be selected by a simple majority.

    • Ties will be broken by a vote of the DSABC Executive.

© 2025 by Debate and Speech Association of British Columbia. Generously supported by the Law Foundation of BC

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